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Follow these instructions to deploy Watchtower in your production pipeline.


  • Python 3.9+
  • A working installation of Kitsu (optional)

In order to generate data for Watchtower, follow these steps:

  • Create a new folder, step into it and run:
  • python -m venv .venv
  • source .venv/bin/activate
  • pip install watchtower-pipeline

Setup with example data

To create an example project that will give you an idea of how the pipeline works:

  • Run python -m watchtower_pipeline.example -b
  • Navigate to the watchtower folder and run python -m http.server

Setup with Kitsu-sourced data

If you have a working Kitsu (and Zou) install and want to extract and visualize data from it:

  • Create a .env.local file as follows:
[email protected]
  • Run python -m watchtower_pipeline.kitsu -b
  • Copy the content of the watchtower folder into your webserver
  • Running the command without the -b flag will only fetch the data, and place it in a directory called public/data, which can then be synced to where the watchtower folder has been placed

Setup with custom-sourced data

If you use a different production/asset tracking service, some scripting will be required. The following steps are recommended:

  • Set up a new Python project (using virtualenv)
  • Run pip install watchtower-pipeline
  • Check docs/ for how to use the watchtower_pipeline module